Dr. Sharlane Gay Elaine V. Fabrigas, Principal of the Laboratory Elementary School at DMMMSU-MLUC served as one of the invited speakers during the PGSD FKIP UHAMKA Virtual Guest Lecture Series, sponsored by the Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka in Indonesia on August 26, 2021.

In her lecture on “Language Learning Education in Elementary School”, Dr Fabrigas stressed that the role English plays as the language in the information and communication age has prompted a rethinking of approaches to the teaching of reading. She also stressed that literacy is essential in people’s everyday lives at home, in school, at work, and in their communities.

Dr. Fabrigas engagement in the international training is part of UHAMKA Primary Teacher Education Department’s (Faculty of Teacher Training and Pedagogy) Guest Lecture Series of Education that runs from August 23-26, 2021. Previously a Pedagogy of Institute, UHAMKA broadens its scope and is now a university in Jakarta, Indonesia. Its vision is to be a university with Islamic Values. (Jesus Rafael Jarata)